on wednesdays we wear pink

Welcome to the first Woman Crush Wednesday! After doing several Guy Fridays I realised that I don’t champion women enough here on this blog. However, in Procrastination Kingdom (ie. my life), I am only just getting around to doing it. I chose all of these women for different reasons – some I admire greatly because of the impact they make on peoples lives, others have been my idols for years. However, mostly I chose them because I think they are beautiful, just like I do with Guy Friday.
So, let us begin.
Candice Accola, also known as Caroline Forbes in The Vampire Diaries is undeniably beautiful. She has always been my favourite female (bar Kathrine) in the show. She should totally be with Klaus and not stupid Tyler, but that’s a conversation for another day. I thought Candice was so striking as soon as she appeared in The Vampire Diaries and have had a small obsession with her ever since.
Krysten Ritter is one of my favourite, but very underrated actresses. She has been in both the Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars of which I am a huge fan of both. Although I much preferred her as Lucy in the Gilmore Girls than Gia Goodman. The woman never bloody ages as well! She looks exactly the same as she did circa 2006 as she does today! She is so strikingly gorgeous and funny too! With a new Veronica Mars film, of which she stars, her career seems to be building.
Audrey Kitching, my ultimate Scene Queen. Myspace had me hooked on Audrey’s style. Big pink hair, loads of black eye makeup and girlfriend to lead singer of Panic! at the Disco?! I wanted to be Audrey Kitching. Although a little more toned down these days and far more style aware, she has designed her own clothes branded Coco De Coeur and Tokyo Luxe. I have been a fan of Audrey’s blog for years now – a mix of photo shoots, DIY projects, spirituality and fashion/beauty, it is a favourite of mine. And then there is that face! So so pretty and such perfectly coloured hair…I want it!
Paloma Faith, one of my spirit animals. Kooky, funny, intelligent and talented plus she is an absolute stunner! I love how Paloma, even on her less glamorous days, is more put together and perfect than the rest of us on our best days – it all looks so effortless as well. Her hair and make up are always flawless. Another multi talented lady, Paloma is an actress as well as a songstress but before the fame she worked in retail and even as a magicians assistant. Could she be any more awesome?
Sandra Beijer is my favourite blogger. Unfortunately I have to read everything she blogs about through google translate as she is Swedish, which doesn’t give the most accurate account but you can get the general jist. I have been reading Sandra’s blog since 2006 and I have read every single post. I am very excited to read her first novel ‘Det Handlar Om Dig’, which translates to ‘it’s all about you’, once it has been translated. If Alice in Wonderland was half as awesome and had a blog, I like to think it would look a lot like this. The photos are beautiful and Sandra was the main inspiration for me wanting to blog (and actually stick to it). She is so cute with the most amazing wardrobe. I almost feel as if i know her after reading her blog for so long. I have seen her relationships and friendships, family and travels. And her recipes are excellent too! A little something for everyone. Best best blogger.
Louise Pentland (/Watson) goes by the handle Sprinkle of Glitter on YouTube. Her informal blogging/beauty blogs are a breath of fresh air and some of my favourites to watch. Someone you wish was your friend and a wonderful mother to baby glitter (Darcy). Another fellow pink haired lady, Louise is one of my favourites. Her recent vlogs from Florida were the best ones (bar Louis Cole’s) that I watched. Have I mentioned I am a YouTube addict?! Plus, her new friendship with Jack Howard and Ben Cook means that there is more of them to watch too, yay! If you like a little humour, honesty and a relaxed style to your your YouTube viewing, go and check out Louise’s channel, it will not disappoint. She is beautiful too and her hair always looks amazing.
Kristen Bell will forever be my favourite teenage super sleuth Veronica Mars. I have loved Kristen bell since I was about 15 and first saw Veronica Mars in action. Okay, so I thought the character was cool but as she has got older and people are realising more of her potential, Kristen has become a much sought after actress. And with that face and figure, why on earth wouldn’t the movie execs be breaking down her door? Her reaction to Sloths is one of the best thing I have ever seen and her philanthropic work is inspiring too. Actress, singer and all round beauty!
Tess Munster is, in my opinion, the best plus size model out there. Firstly because she is actually plus size, secondly because she is gorgeous and lastly and most importantly – she is helping women of all shapes and sizes feel better about themselves and boosting their confidence with her campaign #effyourbeautystandards. An inspiration to all women, not just those of us over a size 12 – to love who you are, what you look like and not be defined by other peoples opinions. I want her clothes, hair, makeup and confidence.
Kelly Osbourne has been a firm favourite in my books for over 10 years now. When I first saw her on The Osbournes in 2002, I thought she was the coolest person and my opinion of her has never really wavered from that stand point. Kelly has had her ups and downs in life but I am so glad to see her really on top these days. She looks incredible and she seems settled with her amazing opportunities and job. Her life over the past few years has been a real inspiration – she sorted out her life, got fit and healthy and landed an awesome job on the Fashion Police. I have always admired Kelly Osbourne and I can’t see that ending any time soon. Also, her hair is to dye for and she always always looks amazing. Oh, and the diamond manicures!
Haley Williams…I don’t even know where to start with my love for her. She is an absolute pocket rocket with the most amazing talent. A tiny gorgeous orange haired lady that bounces around the stage with an effortlessly belting voice is something to behold. I have been a fan of Paramore since I was 15/16 and I have seen them live about 5 times – they, and especially Hayley, have never disappointed. I cannot tell you how many times I have wanted to be her over the years. Awesome coloured hair, an incredible figure and the most magnificent voice. She is by far my favourite (and, in my opinion, one of the best) female vocalist. Whether you like their music or not, you cannot deny that Haley Williams has an amazing voice.

Well that completes the first ever Woman Crush Wednesday. I hope you enjoyed this post and that if you didn’t know about some of these beautiful ladies, you will go and check them out. This post was fun to write and I like talking about the female influences on my life as apposed to stunningly handsome men for a change. If you have any women you think should be included in my blog, please leave me a comment. 

I’ve been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library

It’s Monday again and I thought everyone might like some cheering up. Therefore, I have compiled a list of some of the blogs that i follow that are filled with lovely things and always cheer me up.

  • http://abeautifulmess.com/  – Sisters Elsie and Emma do everything from home decor, baking, fashion to instagram app making. Very talented, creative and awesome tattoos. Their blog instantly cheers me up, inspires me and usually makes me hungry…
  • http://www.rodeo.net/niotillfem/  – Sandra Beijer is a Swedish blogger who now lives in NYC. She blogs about her daily life and the things she wears, parties she goes too and food she eats. All of this is accompanied with beautiful and atmospheric photos. She recently lived in Paris and back home in Sweden over the summer so she could focus on her writing. It is written in Swedish but thanks to Google translate you get the picture. Plus, shes cute as a button!
  • http://www.cupcakesclothes.com/  – Georgina is a plus size blogger that does fashion for the larger lady and also makes gorgeous hair accessories amongst other lovely things. I feel an affinity with this lady, although we have never spoken, from seeing photos and reading her blog i think we have quite a lot in common. If you’re a plus size lady that is confident in her own skin and slightly eclectic, go and check this blog out. She has pink hair too, what more could you want?!
  • http://www.seaofshoes.com/  – Jane Aldridge is someone i have been following for a long time and even Kanye reads her blog. A teen fashion prodigy, Jane has been to the Crillon Ball with film stars and Royalty. She has also had her own shoe line out. Miss Aldridge also has the most beautiful apartment furnished with thrifted and vintage loveliness. There are also lots of cute and tiny dog photos and the girl has amazing hair!
  • http://audrey.buzznet.com/user/journal/  – Audrey Kitching. I am a long time fan of this lady. What first drew you to her? I hear you ask – why, it was her pink hair of course! Audrey is a kind soul who wears amazing clothes and makes lovely things, including clothes. She also shows you how to DIY some of the things you might be lusting after from magazine editorials, but are WAY out of your price range. Be prepared for kittens and crystals, Miss Kitching has them in abundance.
  • http://mymilktoof.blogspot.co.uk/  – Inhae Lee is the creator of 2 tiny mischievous teeth named Iccle and Lardee. The aforementioned are always off on adventures and learning about life’s lessons. Its not about clothes and cocktails, but i truely love this blog. My only wish is that it was updated more. However, if this post is the one that introduces you to them then you have plenty to be going on with. Its super cute and funny, and sometimes there’s fancy dress involved.

So, those are some of the things that cheer me up and make me want to make stuff. Go check them all/some/one of them out.