Maybe I’ll find something real, not a fantasy so divine

It’s almost my twentysixth birthday. There will be more to come at the end of the month regarding how that truly makes me feel. Your midtwenties are weird, you feel the sense of getting older and more pressing responsibilities and yet there are other moments when you still feel like a teenager.
To combat my vague sense of impending doom, I have compiled a list of lovely things I would like to receive for my birthday. Because, who doesn’t like presents?!
Here is a link to my wishlistr page, where (if you feel so inclined) you can buy me wonderful things without duplicating with other friends and family.

I love a good print and I try to only buy original pieces. Art that someone has taken the time to make themselves rather than a stock photo. These wondrous pieces are all on Etsy, and are all really affordable. The dinosaur is so cute and witty. I asked my friends on Facebook whether I needed the Shia LaBeouf print as much as I think I do, the general consensus was a resounding HELL YES! (although it was a resounding hell no! off of Facebook, but what do they know?!..). If you know me well or happened to stumble across my Wednesday Addams post, you’ll be familiar with my pure and resounding love for this awesome character. A great role model for girls and women alike, to true be yourself no matter what everyone else is doing.

Books/written word:
My name is Lydia, and I cannot stop buying books. The feel, the smell and the excitement resonating from some paper with words typed across them is something I relish in every time a new book comes to live with me. I read their stories, I fall in love and then they become my friend, sat upon my fully loaded bookshelves. Bookworms like I will understand this, I promise. And then there is Darling magazine, with their mission statement of “Darling is the art of being a woman”, “Darling is a catalyst for positive change; leading women to discover beauty apart from vanity”. Checkout their website to read all about their full mission. A magazine that is articles and essays about womanhood and inspirational women. None of the photos used in the magazine have been retouched and they use real women, you aren’t being subjected to the images the mass media want you to absorb until you feel bad about yourself.

Accessories (part one):
In my family it is a tradition to adorn your wrists with silver bangles. My grandma always wore hers, my mother always wore hers and now my sister and I jingle and jangle, our right wrists always adorned by our own set. I like how we each have our own unique melody, if you know us well enough you will always know who is coming round the corner. I have been looking for a thin hammered bangle for ages, and this one is lovely.
These three incredibly cute, by way of witchy, enamel badges I also found on Etsy. Perfect to add a little gothy twist to my already entirely black outfits…
These Pansy temporary tattoos have had me lusting over them for around two years now. I haven’t got around to buying them because they’re fairly expensive for what they are. And always “do I really need them?” is swimming around in my head…I mean you’ve all seen what I want so far right? It’s a sensible red cord in my brain.
A big fan of BloodyMaryMetal, I have been coveting this pricey but beautiful piece of jewellery for a long while now. I love that now my generation have gotten older, there are fine pieces of jewellery and accessories made for the alternative kids who aren’t ever ready to let go. For those of us who will forever be low key emo.

Pretties that hold things:
Terrariums are back in style and thank god because I have been after one for ages. Thankfully with the rise in popularity they are now much cheaper than when I first wanted one. The copper lined ones are particularly lovely.
I was shown the company that sell these bags on Amazon around a month ago, and have been lusting after this gorgeous overnight bag ever since. Pricey (although on sale) and made of real leather, its gorgeous. Living where I live often means having to stay elsewhere when I go on a night out and due to some new circumstances in my life, it means I shall be staying elsewhere more often and I would much rather do it with this beauty beside me.
In true magpie style I own a tonne of jewellery and I am always looking for more places to store it. I already have one of these clear acrylic draws but I could always do with another one. If I can see all of my jewellery I am more inclined to remember I have it and therefore wear it more often.
This lovely, thick notebook is the exact same one I bought for my sister for Christmas; and the exact same one she almost didn’t end up with because I wanted to keep it too much. I was expertly talked out of keeping hers, but I still want my own version.

Accessories (part two):
A friend recently showed me her newly purchased Gwen Stefani X Urban Decay palette and it was glorious. Mostly beautiful neutral/gold tones with a couple of vampy brighter shades; it truly is a masterpiece.
I already own a trioshade of purple rose flower crown from the masterful Crown and Glory, but then I saw this majestic navy one and I think that needs to come and live with me too. I have already chosen a gigantic glittery bow from them that I plan to wear for my birthday. However, for my everyday glitter needs these adorable glitter star bobby-pins are a must!
Jo Malone perfume is a very frivolous luxe product. So expensive for a small amount of perfume, but the Peony and Blush Suede is delicious. An incredible floral scent that is almost identical to my favourite perfume that was discontinued by Stella McCartney.

I have been planning to make myself one of these for ages, but for one reason or another I just haven’t gotten around to it yet. This pentagram harness is everything a mid-twenties goth girl desires…and this one is studded people!!!
After seeing a friend from school get a tattoo from this lady I have been obsessed with her work. Rebecca Vincent works at Parliament Tattoo in London, and the picture above is pretty spot on for the tattoo I must have and have been searching for for five years. This ladies work is pure magic and just simply perfection.

All the things listed in this blog post are on my wishlist with links and prices for your own perusal. Or if you happen to be my mysterious and unfathomably rich benefactor, to buy me for my birthday.

life of the party

Whats in my bag?

I am a typical woman when it comes to bags, I love them and I carry far too much inside them. I am still on the hunt for Mary Poppins’ magical tardis of a bag. I have seen several of these posts on blogs and youtube and I always like to see what other people carry about. So, in case you are also one of these people I have made this post.

ImageI always have a diary (although my life is truly not that exciting), but this year I decided that I wanted a day per view so I could use it as a journal as well as a planner. A bracelet and a necklace, just incase I am not wearing enough jewellery (I always am). A pen, ribbon, camera, new camera/makeup bag (thanks Jo and Will!), my keys ft. the Isle of Wight sand, lego pirate and tourist spots of London key rings. My headphones, I never leave home without my headphones.

ImageSome tiny emery boards because my nails are forever breaking recently. The Bodyshop Satsuma perfume because I forever want to smell of oranges. A sparkly black mirror (goff lyf), hair bobble and bobby pins. A mascara and Bodyshop shimmer honey lip balm and white cranberry sheer red lip balm. There is usually a Barry M liquid eyeliner here, but I used another bag the other day and I can’t find it…

ImageMy very large purse from Octopus, via Meredith. A notebook with a suicide girls sticker from hundreds of years ago on the front. I never leave home without some form of note taking device (stationary enthusiast and that). My passport in a lovely cover my parents got me from Paperchase for my 18th birthday and a book – Divergent by Veronica Roth. I love this book, it is a little hunger games-ish as it is set in a distopian future with different factions. I have almost finished it, so I have the next one (Insurgent) waiting for me.

ImageA fan that I bought for a whole £1 from Tiger, always a necessity – especially at a gig. A reusable/foldable/clipable leopard print water bottle. Hand sanitiser, because I can’t drive and public transport is disgusting and some pain killers.


My very favourite sparkly bow bag that I bought 5 years ago from Cissy Mo by Anna Lou of London. It is gold glitter vinyl and I immediately fell in love with it the second I saw it. I spent far too much money (£65!!!) on it, but I just had to have it.

That is all I have in my bag at the moment – give or take a couple of things depending on the day/occasion. I hope you found it as interesting as I always do.

Music got you lost, nights end so much quicker than the days did

I am turning 24 in exactly 2 weeks. This doesn’t fill me with joy…24 sounds older than I feel. It is hard to believe that myself and my friends from school have turned/are turning 24. I am not quite sure how we have come this far and how we are all still friends 13+ years on, I just know that I am thankful we are. (If only I could hire Brickhouse this year)
Therefore, I thought we should take a look back at my birthdays since I turned 18.
I didn’t have my own camera at this point so there weren’t many to choose from. When I turned 18 some of my friends weren’t old enough/didn’t have an ID they could use to come out. So there were only a few of us and we just went to some pubs. We stumbled upon what we thought was just a bar in the laines…turns out we gatecrashed some guys birthday party. He let us stay because we shared the same birthday and he had just received a glass teapot so he was as happy as one is upon receiving such a present. There was a laminated photo of the Hoff* stuck to the toilet door, a massive blow up bottle of corona and some wreath thing laying around at the party. All of which made it home with us some how… Which explains the second photo. I no longer have the wreath but the Hoff and corona bottle are still in my possession. I went to London the next day with a very sore head to see Paramore. So my 18th was pretty awesome.
19. I had two birthday parties – I was at college doing my foundation year in photography so my friends from the course and I went to the pub after college and some of my old friends joined us too. We drank cocktails from the pitcher and generally got rather drunk. I loved those 3 girls!
The second night was filled with lots and lots of people, most of who had to leave early or were too drunk to get into the club. We started off in the King and Queen, to the Pav and then to Digital. Matt and Jack have Klunge written on their heads but I can’t even remember how this started. I liked 19, it was a good age – not too young and not too old. It was a good year with the most excellent people.
20 was the year of the MASSIVE PINK BOW. God I love that bow, I could write a whole blog post on my love for bows in general, but this one is so big, it is my favourite…It may have to make an outing again this year. Everyone in the club wanted a go. Other than that we started at the Pav and then went to ARC. I tried to get a group photo but people are forever wondering off. From what I remember it as a wonderful birthday filled with old friends and new.
There weren’t a whole load of people back in Brighton for my 21st so it was fairly small on the people front, but such an awesome night. Jo came all the way home from Derby and Matt and Jack together are my favourite – brilliant separately, magnificent together. We met people in the Pav earlier in the evening and then made our way to Digital where we met Olly. I think this was Stone Love which means Rage Against the Machine and System of a Down, always a favourite amongst our group.
22, the year of the light up rhinestoned bow. I love this bow too, noticing a theme? Anyway, once again my friends were scattered across the world and Sam and Adam came straight from dropping their bags home from a trip to Sweden to come out for my birthday. We started off at the King and Queen and then made our way to Trash Mondays at Coalition. Yes, I chose to have my ‘party’ on a Monday…it’s the best night at coalition. It was a quiet but lovely night and I am thankful to those who made it, even for a drink due to the fact it was a Monday. I also went to see Panic! at the Disco at Brixton academy with Kit they day after my birthday.
Last year for my 23rd birthday we went to an electro swing night called White Mink. We all got dressed up in pearls, sequins and feathers and Charlestoned the night away. We started off at the Freemasons in Hove and then walked around the corner to The Old Market for White Mink. It is a must if you get the chance to go. The nights are different each time. This night there was burlesque and a fashion show as well as being able to have your photo taken and entered into a competition. An excellent night with the most excellent people.
So that brings us up to date. Although I am not looking forward to turning the dreaded 24, I am looking forward to seeing all the awesome people in my life. Now we are older, we don’t see each other as much because we are busy/in other countries/cities and it just isn’t as easy. That’s the best bit about birthdays though, everyone tries their hardest to get together. And I get to wear a new bow.


You got these little things that you’ve been running from, You either love it or guess you don’t, You’re such a pretty thing to be running from anyone

It has been a while since I posted anything really but I am just not in the mood to get deep and ramble on about stuff today (I’m sure some of you are fairly relieved). So today I am going to make a collection of stuff I like on the internet. Stuff I want to buy/things that amuse me and other bits and pieces.

This house.

This photo.

This light.

This street art.

This film.

This hair.

This tiny post set.

This print.

This game.

This song (click the photo).

This book.

This Brendon Urie Vine collection (click the photo).

This blog (click on the image).

That was a taster of the stuff I am enjoying on the internet right now. If you click on the photos they all link back to where I found them originally so you can go and check them out yourselves. I hope you enjoy some of them and please feel free to leave in the comments some of the stuff you are enjoying.

(I do not own any of these images).