It was like the way you wanted sunshine on Saturdays, or pancakes for breakfast. They just made you feel good


My brain is a little all over the place today, so to gather my thoughts I’m going to do a list based blog post for you. If you know me at all you will know that I love writing lists, as I have mentioned before – I am a notebook enthusiast with a compulsion for list making. The act of putting pen to paper and organising things into categories focuses my mind and lets me forget momentarily about all of the other thoughts that are inconsequential to the task at hand. It is also another method of procrastinating, something I am entirely skilled in, as I don’t have to deal with all of the other stuff which is either boring or too important for me to think about right now. I thought I would just name a topic and list 5 things from that category that I like and hopefully if you haven’t heard of them you will find new things to like too.
The RH Experience
World of the Orange
Essie Button
Fun for Louis
Miss Glamorazzi
– Stuck in Love
– The Kings of Summer
– License to Drive
– Funny Face
– Moonrise Kingdom
– The Offspring – Denial Revisited
– Paolo Nutini – Iron Sky
– Pokey LaFarge – Daffodil Blues
– Jose Feliciano – Lonely Teardrops
– You Me At Six – The Rumour
– Sushi
– Burgers
– Blue cheese
– Crisps
– Anchovy stuffed olives
– Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen
– Guitar Girl by Sarra Manning
– You’ve Been Warned by James Patterson
– The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean
– The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton
– Tequila Sunrise
– Rose Lemonade
– Mango Cooler
– Honey and lemon
– Gin and tonic
– Guy Bourdin
– Camilla Akrans
– Annie Leibovitz
– Joshua Hoffine
– Tim Walker
– Adrian Monk
– Miss Marple
– Johnathan Creek
– Precious Ramotswe
– Hercule Poirot
ImageThe perfect place to conclude my list making…now to take the dog out in the pouring rain. Boo. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my lists and maybe found something new to watch, listen to or read.

(I do not own these images).

I’m gonna stay eighteen forever, so we can stay like this forever

Today’s post is just a short one as it’s a long weekend for everyone and I’m sure we all have plans. So I shall try and make another post next week…
Anyway, back to this post – I have compiled a new playlist as it has been about 6 weeks since the last one. Again, as always, it is made up of new and old songs, some you may have heard and some you probably haven’t. I love finding new music and often find myself scrolling through Pure Volume for new bands/singers. I am always looking for recommendations so please send me some if you have any.

And as it is such a short post how about a little Guy Friday?
Logan Lerman is known for his role as Percy Jackson, this is how I came across him a few years ago. He was pretty then, but now he is older at the ripe ol’ age of 22, he is turning into a beautiful man. He has also starred in The Perks of Being a Wallflower and is in the new blockbuster Noah. I think he is a fairly good actor too, not just chosen because of his looks but due to his talent.
Greek is now on Netflix and I couldn’t be happier! I have spent years being in love with Scott Michael Foster as Cappie on the american teen film centered around the relationships of those in the Greek system. The fun loving, shot taking ‘bad boy’ with a heart had me hooked from the first episode. I have watched Greek several times and now I can start all over again. Also, if you get the chance, watch his film Teenage Dirtbag. So very sad and full of teenage angst but definitely worth watching him play a modern version of Bender from The Breakfast Club.
I think I featured Milo Ventimiglia in my very first Guy Friday, but I cant get enough of him…so, here he is again. I first fell in love with Milo in The Gilmore Girls as Jess Mariano, with his penchant for books and letting people think the worst about him. If you also loved Jess, you may want to check out this Buzzfeed post. Then, along came Peter Petrelli in Heroes and It was even more Milo and super powers…what’s not to like?! Such a beautiful man. And, for fellow Heroes fans they’re making a new series that is due out next year, I am beyond excited!


(I do not own all of these images/songs).

machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

Stuff I like on the internet. For this mid-week post that is what you shall be receiving. I am far too easily distracted today to write fully in-depth cohesive thoughts and have them be vaguely interesting for an entire post. I have turned the tv to mute, then off, tried music, tried classical music and I am still not really concentrating on the task in hand – this blog post. But I wanted to post something today. First off, I am once again expressing my love for John and Hank Green. They can really do no wrong in my book. They have several YouTube channels in which they are witty and intelligent – One of my new favourites being Crash Course. There are lots of short vibrant videos on: psychology, chemistry, US history, literature, ecology, biology and world history.
ImageAlso, Hank Green developed an Emmy Award winning series called The Lizzie Bennet DiariesThe Lizzie Bennet Diaries is a modernized adaptation of the classic Jane Austen novel, Pride and Prejudice. The story is told primarily through Lizzie Bennet‘s Video Diaries, while being supported by her and other characters social media streams.” Its brilliant, awesome and very funny. Go go go!
ImagePolo Nutini is back with new songs and a tour soon! This makes me extremely happy. His voice is so beautiful and is definitely in my top 5 favourites. He consistently gives me goosebumps and everything he does is perfect for the warming weather. His song Iron Sky is nothing short of entirely wonderful.

This Patrick Stump Quote
ImagePretentious quotes to live your life by. The internet if full of teenage angst ridden photos of mountains with deep quotes written over the top, taken from books or songs. For the most part I try to avoid such things – text that has been taken out of context and placed upon an image of no consequence irks me. However, when I see them printed in a bold font on a white background…well, it makes me want to buy them sometimes. Do these declarations on how you wish your life to be lived actually make an impact? One of my favourites is monochrome and boldly says “oh darling, let’s be adventurers” – does this mean that one morning I will grab my fedora and whip on my way out of the door to the temple of doom? I doubt it. However it does occur to me that if I were to follow the ‘inspirational meaning’ behind the prints I want on my walls, well, it could all end rather badly for me.
ImageTattooed fairy tales by Glenn Arthur
ImagePizza Hut Vs. Papa Roach 
ImageThis movie quote from Jawbreaker
ImageThis dogs face
ImageI started off strong and ended with a photo of a smiling dog. Yeah its one of those days. I promise the next post will be far more interesting than this one. Please go and check out John and Hank Greens links at the top of this blog post, they really are worth it. If nothing else, I hope this post has put a smile upon your face or caused you to expel too much air through your nostrils (internet laughing). I shall return later this week with something more worthwhile…or perhaps some men with cheekbones and beards. Much spending has been done from my account too (it is not particularly happy about this), so when everything arrives I may do a ‘haul’ post if that is something people want to see? It is mostly a load of random stuff. I have lots of other ideas too, I just need to stop being so bloody good at procrastinating!
Thanks for reading this ever so rambling disjointed post.

(I do not own these images/songs)